Categorie: Gallery

29 apr.

The spring is here

With every flower and every spring, beauty and hope flourish again on Earth. The same as these colorful miracles, the colors blooming on canvas bring joy and gratitude for the wonderful and inspiring nature. I painted these fragments of happiness while trying to capture the very essence of flowers, one of everlasting life and beauty.

12 dec.

October 2018 at Fountainhead Gallery

This October found me in Seattle, where I had an exhibition at Fountainhead Gallery. My first trip to Seattle was two years ago, when the gallery invited me to exhibit my paintings among other American and international artists in a show entitled “Transcendence: Here and Now” – Landscape paintings from a Global Perspective. This time, the show consisted of new paintings inspired by the nature I love. “Mountain Love” represents a new series of paintings, a spiritual personal view translated through gestures of colors on canvases. Inspired by the deep and harmonious Transylvanian woods and rivers, I walk the thin line between figuration and abstraction. I’m in love with Nature, Light, and Water, and seek the sensations that fulfill the soul through the dazzling interplay between water and light. I see water as the essence of nature. Water also symbolizes the cycles of life. In its fluidity and blue-green color, water represents mystery, depth, calmness, and luminosity. My experiments with different types of tools and materials – feathers, fingers, Chinese brushes, reeds, sprigs – which I use to paint with, mixed with water as the medium for my recent paintings – watercolors – give me the joy of life, which I feel in “plein air painting,” right in the middle of nature itself. “Mountain Love” is, in certain ways, a metaphor for inner psychological and spiritual states, which are given a structure and a certain permanence through the physical nature of painting. After the opening, Seattle Symphony cellist, Nathan Chan and pianist, Oana Rusu Tomai, gave the audience a wonderful Enescu music recital – Enescu Sonata for cello and piano op. 26 no. 2, a masterpiece of great beauty and elegance. I would like to thank Sue and Ron Peterson, Paula Mueller, Laura Early, Oana Rusu Tomai, Alexandrina Maicaneanu who helped me make this show happen

06 feb.

Friendship on the water


I’ve known Mihai since fine art high school, when we were simple acquaintances, but later on, when I discovered his passion for fly fishing, we instantly became close friends. This short video which shows some memories from a hot July in TN is dedicated to him, due to his invitation I discovered some of Tennessee’s finest fly fishing rivers. It was a very special trip, filled with fun, friendship, faith and trout. Fishing creates friendship relationships quicker than anything else I’ve seen in this world and my thanks also go to Roger Prentice, Jeremy Gasner and Beto Perez. I still remember the imposing figure of Shawn Madison as the guardian of the Clinch River… It’s the fly fishing lifestyle that brings two people together. As soon I found the time after the trip, I painted a few landscapes inspired by those rivers. Thank God for friends and beautiful nature!


Tennessee Fly Fishing from Presecan on Vimeo.